If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question, on average, how often do you drink alcohol?
These results tell me that most people who drink alcohol consume it every other week
and most of the other people who answered drink it once and some twice a week.
These suggests that the product should be fairly cheap as spending money on alcohol
once or even twice a week would be quite expensive, therefore targeting the market who
drink the most means that my product should be fairly cheap and affordable. The fact that
most of the people who answered the survey drink every week on average also suggests that
my product needs to stand out and be different to the other drinks on offer as if people are
willing to spend their money on alcohol weekly it needs to be something different and trustworthy,
something they may not have experienced before.
84% of people surveyed agreed that they would be influenced into buying alcohol if they
see it advertised, whether that's TV, radio or sponsorship adverts. This is great information
for me as it means that most people would be interested in alcohol advertisements; it also
means that my advert will need to be very persuasive and different to other alcohol adverts
in order for my product to stand out.
56% of people said that they would be most influenced by a television advert. This is the result I was
expecting as most adverts that people watch or on TV, and most people watch TV rather than
listen to the radio. This has confirmed my beliefs that the TV advert is the most important and should
therefore be the main advert with the main themes, with the other two adverts similar to this, showing
a link between all 3 adverts that relates back to the television ad.
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