Monday, 9 September 2013

'Coca Cola' Radio Advert

This is a radio advert for 'Coca-Cola', the advert is very different to most radio adverts as there's hardly any speaking throughout the advert and there's no description of the product. The only sounds made in the advert are sounds to do with opening 'Coca Cola'. In a way this could be seen to be very clever and as 'Coca Cola' is one of the most popular and well known brands in the world, they have assumed that people will associate the sounds made in this advert with 'Coca Cola'. However, I personally wouldn't relate this advert to the brand as many other drinks also make the same sounds when they are being opened and consumed. The fact they haven't described or even mentioned the product or the brand suggests that the brand is well known and doesn't need to be described or promoted as it's recognised by many people. On the other hand this could be part pf a bigger advertising campaign and have some sort of link to other adverts. This is something which is very different to how my advert will be as I will need to describe the product and put some effort into persuading the audience to buy the product through the advertisements. Furthermore this advert has made me realise how important it is to make sure the brand is well descried and explained through the radio adverts as the fact that listeners can't see an image of the drink or the packaging will make it much harder to understand.

1 comment:

  1. It makes me wonder if this was part of a longer campaign that is based on recognition? It may have been followed by a second ad using the same sounds but mentioning the product.
