Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Analysis of 'WKD' Advert

To help me find some ideas I looked at this advert for 'WKD', the drink style and type that I want to advertise is very similar to 'WKD' so I think looking at some of the adverts was a good idea as I now have a good understanding of how they advertise the product.

I don't think that this advert is very successful as the majority of the advert has nothing to do with the product that it's selling and I don't think it's aimed at the right target audience as WKD's are generally consumed by young adults, mainly girls yet the majority of their adverts are targeted at 30-40 year old men. The fact that the advert only shows the actual product and the setting that it would usually be consumed in in the last few seconds of the advert means that many of the people watching will have lost interest before this point, especially the target audience.

However, the advert does provide a message aimed at the audience and has a recognisable slogan 'show your WKD side' which the man in the advert does show. The lack of close ups of the actual drink and the brand suggests that people watching the advert already know the brand and are familiar with this style of advert which will be different to my advert as the product will be new and not recognisable. The lack of non diagetic sound is unconventional for an alcohol advert as they are usually fun, with bright colours and often shot at a party or with people actually drinking the product.

From watching this ad it's clear that it's aimed at a working/middle class audience, this can also be told from the price of the product, which will be similar to my advert.

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